BT AMEA Sales Interlock FY25 – Bangkok

Posted: 17 Sep, 2024 in Customer Success, News.

Hear from Rodney Kinchington, Managing Director, APJC & MEA Regions at BT Business Singapore on the value we delivered at their BT AMEA Sales Interlock 2024.

As a CEO, one of my biggest challenges is keeping our teams aligned, motivated, and working together toward a common goal, especially after the disruptions of the last few years. When we brought Pursuit of Better on board, we were looking to not only build a stronger strategy but also to reignite the spirit within our teams. What we got was far more valuable than I could have anticipated.

Transforming Strategy into a Vision That Resonates

What stood out to me right away was Pursuit’s unique approach to strategy and vision. Rather than relying on static PowerPoint slides, they guided us through creating a rich picture—a visual representation of our company’s journey, highlighting where we are, where we need to go, and the challenges in our path. This approach brought our five-year vision to life in a way that engaged every person in the room.

The impact was immediate. My leadership team, who had been navigating uncertainty, suddenly had a clear, cohesive picture of our future. It wasn’t just theory—it was something tangible, something they could see and connect with on a deeper level.

Rebuilding Team Connection Post-COVID

For many of us, this was the first time since COVID that we had met face to face. Our initial challenge was how to reconnect and rebuild team cohesion after so much time apart. Pursuit’s coaching sessions didn’t just focus on business strategy—they emphasised team energy and interpersonal dynamics, which were key to bringing our people back together.

By the afternoon of our workshop, the transformation was obvious. What started as a somewhat disconnected team had become a united force, eager to move forward together. The feedback I received was overwhelming: everyone felt re-energised and more connected, not just to each other, but to our collective purpose.

Breaking Down Silos and Creating Alignment

Pursuit also helped us break down the silos that tend to form within organisations. They didn’t stop at the leadership team—they involved every department, ensuring that every level of the organization was engaged and aligned with our strategic vision. This approach has helped us create a stronger sense of teamwork across the entire business, not just within the executive suite.

A Fresh Perspective for the Future

Working with Pursuit has been a game changer. They brought fresh energy and perspective that have revitalised our teams and given us a clear direction for the future. Their ability to understand both the business landscape and the softer skills needed for real team connection has been invaluable.

If you’re a leader looking to re-energise your team and ensure alignment across your organisation, I can’t recommend Pursuit enough. The results have been transformational for us, and I believe they can be for your team as well.

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