
Immersive Sales workshop with actors

As part of an ambitious growth strategy, Capita Technology Solutions needed to ensure its sales people had the right tools to engage with both customers and prospects effectively. It’s sales teams had invested significant time and effort in understanding the portfolio but, in a highly competitive market where CIO’s were being targeted 2 – 3 times a week, they needed an extra edge to help them stand out.

Pursuit proposed a different approach: training its teams in personality profiling to help the sales people tailor their messages according to the personality type of the customer.

Using DISC methodology, Pursuit ran a two day training event that delivered a an introduction to DISC personality profiling. Over 50 members of the team – from senior management through to the telemarketing team were given their own profile with a support session to discuss. Then we employed actors to join the event and act out different scenarios to bring these personalities to life. Finally the team were trained in how to mirror everything from body language to vocabulary in order to make the customer feel heard and understood. 

The session was so successful that the Pursuit team were invited to join the Capita Group senior management training event to deliver the same DISC coaching.

Thank you for delivering such an awesome Sales Kick-off event, in 22 years I can honestly say it was the best one I have ever been to!
Rachel Beer, Account Sales Director, Capita Networking Solutions