Capita: Smart building launch
How Capita leveraged technology to support employee productivity
Capita moved to its new, flagship head offices in FitzRovia, London. With over 5 floors of office space and another floor of innovation labs and meeting rooms, the offices was home to 1000 permanent workers and more than 8000 remote staff who would visit for meetings.
As part of the launch, and to showcase its evolving smart buildings propositions, Capita commissioned Pursuit to create a video demonstrating how its offices were designed tosupport and enhance employee
Capita used a combination of live film with animation overlay to demonstrate how technology was working in the background to ensure the safety and security of employees, improve environmental metrics, and provide an innovative, exciting environment in which to work.
The video was used as a top of funnel tool as a way to introduce its new smart buildings proposition, and was promoted across social media as well as at key industry events.