We’ll help you improve relationships with the people you work with and have better conversations with the customers you talk to.
Ensuring the behaviour of your people reflects the values you believe in. And that your customer experience is delivered more consistently, internally and externally everyday.

Tell us your challenge. contact@pursuitcomms.com

Better relationships

Build better relationships with DISC

Helping your team thrive

How to gain a competitive edge

Helping you work better together – to gain an competitive edge


Vision & Values Roadmap: Putting people at the heart of safety


UK Team Building Employee Roadshow 1,700 staff over 9 locations

Better engagement

Discovery Workshops

Define your business, strategic and people goals


25% increase in pipeline in 3 months


Beyond 2020 Thought leadership

Allen & Overy

Staying ahead of the game. The long View. Thought leadership

Telefonica: MNC Campaign

Another win for Telefonica

Better conversations

UK Power Networks

Improving customer service to over 8 million customers across the UK

BMW Group

Helping BMW improve customer service. National Business TV programme

Capita IT Services

Customer driven value proposition

News & Insights

BT AMEA Sales Interlock FY25 – Bangkok

Hear from Rodney Kinchington, Managing Director, APJC & MEA Regions at BT Business Singapore on the value we delivered at their BT AMEA Sales Interlock 2024. As a CEO, one of my biggest challenges is keeping our teams aligned, motivated,…

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TikTok & You

TikTok. It can sound like a daunting idea, strategically and in terms of implementation. Will we engage with the right audience? Is this the right platform for us? Isn’t TikTok for ‘cool’ companies? The truth is, TikTok – used in…

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Future-proofing your business

How do you future-proof your business? COVID-19 shocked the system and taught many of us how important it is to be adaptable and resilient within your business. Whilst this comes at a cost, future-proofing is crucial to business growth and…

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